As an interdisciplinary design team dedicated to creating the future of healthcare, we are proud to be a returning sponsor of the Health Experience Refactored conference taking place next week in Boston.
As an interdisciplinary design team dedicated to creating the future of healthcare, we are proud to be a returning sponsor of the Health Experience Refactored conference taking place next week in Boston.
Topics: emerging technologies, health, electronic health records, EHR, health experience refactored 2015
We are still basking in the glow of last week’s adorable and tasty juicing experience. Somewhat ironically, that same day, designer Sarah Kaiser decided to sample Soylent™. Though it is a liquid and loaded with nutrients, we learned just how wide the spectrum spans between one healthy slurp and another.
Topics: studio culture, healthy food
Ah, spring in Massachusetts. It is snowing again.
Topics: Design, company culture, creative class, health literacy
This is the second of two articles on the topic of health literacy. The first was Are You Health Literate?
Topics: ux design, health care, health literacy
As I entered the studio kitchen yesterday with my usual load of supplies, I was greeted by the sweet voice of one of our favorite studio "smalls," Juhan's son Viggo. He and his dad were preparing to juice a huge pile of fresh fruits and veggies.
Topics: studio culture, healthy food
With our favorite Friday doughnuts, Sarah Kaiser made us dream of warm summer days.
Topics: apple, Health Datapalooza, user experience
The snow mounds are melting in the Boston area. We can finally get out without a shovel, and we have some big plans for spring. Join us as we explore design, emerging technology and the future of health.
Topics: emerging technologies, Healthcare, ux design
This is the first in a two-part series on health literacy.
Topics: healthcare design, health care, education
We are finally able to think about something besides snow here in Arlington. Here are a few things we’ve been learning about.
Topics: healthcare design, health care, information design
Header image: Sara Morrison via Twitter
Topics: studio culture