Thoughts on Lunch at the Shop: The Art and Practice of the Midday Meal by Peter Miller, owner of a design bookshop in Seattle, WA.
Thoughts on Lunch at the Shop: The Art and Practice of the Midday Meal by Peter Miller, owner of a design bookshop in Seattle, WA.
Topics: culture of learning, studio culture
We work in a very old building in a very old town (by American standards). So, we have an old infrastructure in some regards. Today we had a power outage for around two hours, which is not all that unusual. They are more common in the summer, when thunderstorms roll through, or in deep winter, when ice coats tree branches until they bring wires down.
Topics: culture of learning, studio culture
Some weeks you can get a pretty good picture of our day-to-day studio life just by following our Twitter streams. Check in with a few Invo-ites and you’ll see what I mean. These are things we think about, talk about, and, when we can, do something about.
Topics: studio culture
Special Tuesday Edition
Topics: studio culture, health experience refactored 2015, HxR
We are still basking in the glow of last week’s adorable and tasty juicing experience. Somewhat ironically, that same day, designer Sarah Kaiser decided to sample Soylent™. Though it is a liquid and loaded with nutrients, we learned just how wide the spectrum spans between one healthy slurp and another.
Topics: studio culture, healthy food
As I entered the studio kitchen yesterday with my usual load of supplies, I was greeted by the sweet voice of one of our favorite studio "smalls," Juhan's son Viggo. He and his dad were preparing to juice a huge pile of fresh fruits and veggies.
Topics: studio culture, healthy food
Header image: Sara Morrison via Twitter
Topics: studio culture
We try to keep it healthy at Invo. Really, we do. We never keep sugary drinks around and we have fresh fruit on the table. We cook with whole grains and even go vegan once in a while.
Topics: studio culture