Some weeks you can get a pretty good picture of our day-to-day studio life just by following our Twitter streams. Check in with a few Invo-ites and you’ll see what I mean. These are things we think about, talk about, and, when we can, do something about.

We are pretty excited to hear all about Dirk Knemeyer's recent trip to Asia his talk at University of Shizuoka Game Lab in Shizuoka, Japan. More on this to come!

Designers Beth Herlin, Eric Benoit, and Juhan Sonin have been exploring ways to show the problems that patients have, managing their own healthcare without enough expert guidance. See and download the full design.

We are disappointed in the decision of 23andMe to end their collaboration with the Open Humans project. Was it simply a matter of dot-com vs dot-org?

Rob Bracket, former and eternal Invo-ite, sounds off about Adobe updates.

Before we could get too discouraged, Ben Listwon clued us in to a beautiful new book that began as a blog post.

Designer Jen Patel showed her industrial/engineering chops again, building her new computer.

The entire studio was treated to a wonderful lunch by designer/engineer Adam Pere, and we bid adieu to our intern, Muzi Meng, who is heading for Chicago.

As always, we waited eagerly for Sarah Kaiser with the latest in confectionary illustration.
Mmmm. Donuts.