Topics: Blog
Like many of you, we don’t differentiate that much among work, learning, and play when we’re surfing the interwebs. Whether it’s TweetDeck, RSS feeds, Facebook, or another of the innumerable info-streams we monitor, we come across intriguing content that inspires, informs, amuses, and even appalls us. So, now that we’ve got your attention, here’s what made the rounds at Involution Studios this week:
Topics: Blog
Recently on The Digital Life podcast, Involution's Jon Follett sat down with Creative Director Juhan Sonin to discuss the Health Axioms card deck and designing for behavior change.
Topics: Healthcare, Ideas, Blog, Podcast
Topics: health, Ideas, knowledge work, Blog
Dirk Knemeyer has a few questions about Apple's ideas for a mobile medical solution.
This coming June, Apple is expected to announce their “Healthbook” app. In a bold expansion on the concepts of Involution’s hGraph app, Apple is attempting not only to federate all of a user’s important, top-level health and wellness data but also to synchronize with hardware devices that do everything from analyze blood to count steps to monitor heart rate.
Mockup of Healthbook screen published to Behance this past February.
Topics: Design, apple, hGraph, Healthcare, infovis, software design, Blog, Healthbook, mobile
Stanford Medicine X 2014
Stanford University
September 5-7, 2014
Topics: Healthcare, healthcare design, Events, innovation, Stanford Medicine X
Topics: Design, open source, Healthcare, OSCON, Events, innovation