April zipped by with lots of exciting activity at Invo Studios, especially on The Digital Life. Here’s a quick review so you don’t miss a single episode.
10.April | Fast Forward Product Innovation The barriers to entry in product design are falling—from open source reference designs for jumpstarting your electric and mechanical engineering to crowdfunding your financing. In this episode of The Digital Life, we discuss the evolution of product design with Dragon Innovation CEO Scott Miller.
10.April | The View From China Dirk Knemeyer reflects on the unique cultural intersections of the first and third worlds in China.
17.April | A Tour of Asia Dirk Knemeyer discusses his recent tour of Asia and reflects on his experiences there, including significant cultural differences, observations about the use of technology, and significant factors from an economic perspective.
23.April | 100th Episode Celebration! With guests like Luke W, Soren Johnson, Brenda Brathwaite, David Gray, and a host of others, the ride has been a fun one so far. We'll continue our coverage of UX, design, tech and culture and look forward to the next 100.
1.May | mHealth in Africa Guest Niti Bhan talked with us about the highly active entrepreneurial space around mHealth in Africa, her perspective on human centered strategy for digital health, and the unique and innovative methods developed for Africa’s emerging healthcare consumers.
8.May | UX News—Microsoft Mobile, Tesla Batteries, and Smart Watch Wars Dirk and Jon talk about Microsoft's mobile strategy to encourage developers to port their Android and iOS apps to Windows, Tesla's batteries for solar power storage, and the start of the luxury smart watch wars.
In other news, we’ve shared a view into the Twitter stream of Invo’ites, looked at some of the medical technologies at the Boston Marathon, explored ideas about the evolution of work, and saw a few notes from Dirk’s presentation at Service Design Salon in Tokyo.
Have a great weekend!