Business and treating others with humanity belong together

by Dirk Knemeyer

I'm perplexed how common inhumane customer service is among large companies. While I'm raising the issue to generally encourage people to design their systems and policies to be human-friendly there are two specific contexts that compelled me to write this today.

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Topics: business, clients, good advice, customer service, strategy, Analysis, Blog

App design: the shiny new toy for "web" and "user experience" designers

by Dirk Knemeyer

It is no surprise that web design companies are desperately trying to get into application design. Web design as a business is highly commodified with small margins and a crowded competitive landscape. Even the top early providers are watching their ability to get customers affordably and service them profitably become seriously compromised. Web design companies are scrambling for new opportunities.

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Topics: Design, good advice, Blog, app design, software development