Involution Studios is driven by a mission to create better lives and a better world. We're part of a global movement to shift the health care system to one made up highly-specialized clinicians that work closely with self-monitoring, self-empowered patients and their families — aided by the continuous data driven by non-invasive personal diagnostics. Getting there will require equal parts smart technology, healthcare reform, and everyday common sense.
It all starts with awareness. That’s where Involution's new Health Axioms come in. We believe living the Health Axioms is better for our pocketbooks, smarter for our lives, and allows us to directly impact our health. Health Axioms put you in touch with habits to improve your health, life, and well-being. Our sometimes surprising, always practical axioms nudge you toward the healthiest life possible. This deck of cards will transform the way you think about yourself and what it means to be healthy.
There are 32 cards in our deck. On the front of each card is a beautiful illustration reminding you of a specific axiom that can move you in the direction of better health. On the back of each card, we give you essential insights, tips, and help in manifesting that axiom in your life.
We ask for your help! We want to print and distribute 3,000 copies of our Health Axioms. And you can make a small pledge for a big impact on our Indiegogo campaign. It's just $15 for one set of cards. Give them to your work team, your social group, your family, your friends, your doctor, and your nurse. More than the gorgeous art and valuable life insights, you are helping us to amplify the clarion call to show the world a better vision for health. Doing good and getting something lovely for a modest price: What’s not to like?
What People Are Saying
"People are thirsty for health advice. They read, search online, and wonder: Am I doing OK? Am I doing the right things for my health? What if, when someone asks the universe (read: the internet), for health advice, they got back a quick tip, backed by evidence?"
- Susannah Fox, Digital Health Strategist
About Involution's Health Design Practice
For almost 10 years, Involution has been building software for health companies of every shape and size, from household names like AstraZeneca and Walgreens, to research leaders like the Personal Genome Project and Partners HealthCare. We also work with the most exciting and progressive health startups. We’ve made digital healthcare our top focus.