The Digital Life - Episode 1

by Dirk Knemeyer

We are proud to present our first - prototype! - episode of The Digital Life: adventures in design and technology.

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The purpose of the show is to provide insight into various topics and areas of interest pertaining to the bleeding edge of the industries behind digital technology. Leveraging our years inside the most important and progressive companies in Silicon Valley, we will provide insights and an interesting and ever-changing array of special guests to entertain you while helping your brain grow bigger.

While we will have a regular publishing schedule starting in October, this - our first episode! - is a dry run to learn the ropes and understand what producing a regular audio show is going to be like.

Each episode we will provide an exhaustive list of links to different things mentioned in the show, to facilitate your finding things we mention later, of following along during the show. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback.

Links to topics mentioned in this podcast:

Opening Segment
Edward Tufte
Richard Saul Wurman
International Institute for Information Design
Paul Mijksenaar
David Sless
Erik Spiekermann
Information Anxiety

It's News to Me
Oracle's "Cloud in a Box"
Google Apps
Google Apps Two-Factor Security
White iPhone delays
Plugging in Means Exposing Yourself
TechCrunch reports Facebook is building a phone
The Social Network movie
The Social Network soundtrack by Trent Reznor
Playstation Move Motion Controller launches
Civllization 5 launch review

Bull Session - Information Visualization
Brian Staats
Nick Feltron/Feltron Report
Misleading BP graph on oil collection
Tableau public
University of Maryland/Ben Shneiderman
University of Massachusetts-Lowell/George Grinstein
Martin Wattenberg
Jeff Heer
Mike Bostock

Irene Ros
IBM Visual Communication Lab
Many Bills
Yannick Assogba
Many Eyes
Credit card legislation
Ford Fusion infovis fiasco
Flowing Data
Processing Framework
Jer Thorp
OpenStreetMap - Haiti Project

Michael Dila
Torch Partnership
Hans Rosling
Manuel Lima
Stamen Design
NYT Bucks Blog/Carl Richards

Dirk Knemeyer
Competing infovis on the House Democrats' Health Care Plan

Closing Segment
Edward Tufte and the Challenger Disaster

Episode 1 Credits
Guest - Brian Staats
Guest - Irene Ros
Guest - Michael Dila

Host & Director - Dirk Knemeyer
Co-Host & Producer - Jonathan Follett
Technical Support - Eric Benoit
Original Music - Ian Dorsch

Topics: Blog, Podcast