Invo at Code for Boston’s Demo Night

by Danielle Monroe
Arlington's Visual Budget

Arlington Visual Budget at Code for Boston's Demo Night
(co-hosted with IxDA)
MIT, Cambridge Innovation Center, 5th Floor, Havana Conference Room
July 30, 2013
Free & Open to the Public

Involution will be presenting Arlington Visual Budget at Code for Boston’s Monthly Demo Night, co-hosted with IxDA. It’s free and open to the public. Come and explore our demo and check out other Code for Boston presentations.

Arlington Visual Budget
Involution’s own Roger Zhu and Ivan Di Lernia were tasked with transforming the town of Arlington’s complex financial plan into an engaging and easy-to-understand budget. Arlington wanted its citizens to not only to have access to the budget, but for people to understand where their tax dollars were being spent. Using tree maps and other visualization techniques, Roger and Ivan created a bright and intriguing budget that invites those without financial expertise to explore how their local government is spending its money.


Arlington's Visual Budget


Arlington's Visual Budget


Topics: Design, infovis, arlington, Events, financial design