Fuel Cells, Brain Cells, and Plastic: Friday Links and Round Up

by Emily Twaddell

Greetings from the interwebs.

Dan W: Touring the showroom for the Pacific Trash Vortex


It’s not too early to be thinking about large-scale consumerism, is it? This is simultaneously fascinating (logistically, architecturally, etc.) and depressing (for humanity, wasteful consumerism, etc.).

Toyota Mirai Fuel Cell Sedan


The Invo team all got to see the Toyota hydrogen car at PopTech, but the windows were tinted so that no-one could see the interior. Now everyone gets a look.

The mathematician who proved why hipsters all look alike


As a solid mid-Boomer, I found this piece especially interesting. My older brother went to Bard College, wore his hair past his shoulders and laced-up Fryes, yet he carried the WSJ all over campus. Who knew there were contratrian neurons?

Highlights from this week

Yesterday we posted The Digital Life: UX Maturity, which extends the discussion presented in our 6-week article series.

On Wednesday we posted part 1 of the UX Maturity series, “Intuition.”

Monday’s Around the Studio gave an update on the global travels of the Graphic Advocacy poster exhibit.


Topics: Ideas, Business of Design