The UI is the Hero

by Jon Follett

Is the age of ubiquitous computing is upon us? We may not be living yet in William Gibson's plugged-in future, but there's no doubt that we're absolutely dependent on the digital realm. From tablets to smart phones to laptops to car navigation systems, we always seem to be connected. The digital life is everywhere we go, and software is our intermediary between physical reality and the bits and bytes. Over the past two years, the massive rise in popularity of mobile devices has changed the frequency, duration, and level of engagement of our digital existence. No longer is digital interaction reserved for those specific times when we huddle around the glow of desktop monitors. Mobile has made software integral to and embedded within people's lives, but the convenience and pervasiveness of mobile computing is only part of the story.

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Topics: Design, iphone, software design, iPad, Ideas, Analysis, Blog, ui, user experience

SOPA, Job Innovation, and Creativity in Isolation

by Jon Follett

Here’s what we’re reading online, this week at Involution, on design, tech, and the digital life, in our links round up.

SOPA: Anatomy of a Public Uprising
As most of us of are aware, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill in the US House of Representatives, while purported to protect content providers, in fact hides within its depths the chilling ability to freeze online businesses and tech innovation through a set of draconian provisions, that would, for instance, force search engines to filter their search results.

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Topics: facebook, social networks, search, job innovation, ftc, creativity, SOPA, Analysis, Blog, google, innovation

A 2012 Invo Preview

by Jon Follett

Happy new year! Two thousand and twelve is going to be big here at Involution Studios. We're excited, not only by the software we're designing and building for our clients, but also by an internal project, that, after months of operating in stealth mode, is ready to have the wraps taken off. So, as the new year brings with it a cold blast of arctic air, at least in the Boston area, let's warm ourselves up around the glow of the Invo endeavors of the coming months.

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Topics: Design, Blog